Skin Coarseness / Pore Size

Skin roughness is commonly encountered together with skin dryness (Xerosis) which is due to reduced sebum production of skin, lacking of the protective layer on skin surface will lead to loss of water via evaporation. Furthermore, physiological aging will retard the normal epithelialization which will result in excessive desquamation, and losing collagen and supporting connective tissue in dermal layer can lead to further wrinking on the skin surface, adding more uneven texture to skin. Inappropriate use of exfoliating agent can further exacerbate the skin roughness. 

The size of skin pore is related to the sebaceous hyperplasia, hyperandrogenism, photoaging and physiological aging of skin. The gradual loss of collagen in connective tissue in skin leads to thinning out of the dermal layer, and subsequently enlarging the pore size. 

If there is dermatological inflammatory conditions such as acne or severe eczema, the dermal layer may not be able to repair and restore the lost connective tissue, fibrosis will take place and resulted in further enlarged pores.


  • CRYO Ultra Activator

    CRYO Ultra Activator

    For those with a fear of needles, CRYO Ultra Activator offers another best alternative. It facilitates skin to absorb at least 80% of the rejuvenating solution by making the molecules more readily to penetrate through the skin via a technology called cold electroporesis. CRYO Ultra Activator can be used alone or after any kind of laser treatments. It helps to reduce fine and dry lines on face, redness after laser treatment and rehydrating dry skin in unfavourable weather, resulted from dermatitis.

    CRYO Ultra Activator can help improving skin tecture with better effect comparing with other electroporating modalities. Furthermore, with its unique cooling and soothing capacity, the active ingredient from essence serum can be delivered effectively to the treatment site underneath the skin. Also with it potent rehydrating effect, it is noted to reduce fine wrinkles, improve circulation and metabolic rate.

    Remainders :

    > Treatment frequency and interval is subjected to individual skin condition, it is advised to receive the treatment session once every 1-2 weeks.
    > It can be combined with other photorejuvenation or phototherapy, in particular when applying essence serum after those treatments.

  • Epidermal Exfoliating Treatment

    Epidermal Exfoliating Treatment

    Epidermal Chemical Exfoliating Treatment is a treatment of removing unhealthy and photodamaged superficial epidermal layer by means of various concentration Alpha Hydroxyl Acid or Beta Hydroxyl Acid. It helps to reviatlize skin rejuvenation, in particularly to those having photodamaged skin after excessive sun exposure, aging skin and post-pubertal keratosis pilaris to lateral surface of arm and thighs / legs, in order to restore smoothness of skin.

    It can also help to reduce pigmentary unevenness and trying to bring the unevenness to a relatively balanced state.

    It has been shown that AHA and BHA has anti-aging effect with delaying aging skin and sebum controls especially in acne prone skin.

    Recommended treatment areas include the following:
    > Face, neck and dorsal surface of hands where excessive sun can be exposed to.
    > Back area where hyperkeratosis and recurrent acne problems can be an issue.
    > Lateral surface of arm where Keratosis Pilaris (KP) is well located.
    > Delaying aging skin

    Remainders :

    > There can be transient skin erythema and epidermolysis after treatment, it can take up to 1 week to become normalized.
    > Different concentration and agents would be selected with care for each individual in order to achieve the optimal result
    > Treatment session is advised at 4 weeks interval.

  • Fractional Laser Resurfacing

    Fractional Laser Resurfacing

    Fractional laser technology is designed to combine the merits of conventional ablative laser resurfacing (effective) and non-ablative laser procedures (safe). Fractional laser with wavelength 1550nm works via the principle of fractional photo-thermolysis where laser creates small microscopic columns (2-4mm) on skin. At sites where the microscopic columns penetrate the skin, they will induce collagen formation, and hence to improve the skin texture. Since the microscopic columns are intercepted by normal skin, healing occurs at a much faster rate and side effects are fewer than if the whole area had been ablated. Through generation of new collagen, it helps to improve acne scarring, tighten skin, reduce pore size and fine lines, and to improve traumatic or surgical scar.


    • Suggested treatment interval is 4 - 6 weeks, and number of treatment sessions is subjected to medical evaluation and response of each subsequent treatment. As for acne scarring, it normally takes 6 - 8 treatment sessions to see the best possible result.
    • Factional Laser has much speedy recovery compared to traditional microdermabrasion.
    • It can combine with other phototherapy treatment.
  • Laser Toning / Rejuvenation

    Laser Toning / Rejuvenation

    Laser rejuvenation is a comprehensive non-ablative skin rejuvenation treatment. With principle of the selective photothermolysis, laser systems with different wavelength have been employed to achieve desirable effects in terms of improving, restoring and repairing skin damage from aging and sun exposure, and also reduce pore size, even out skin tone and improve skin texture.

  • Thermage CPT

    Thermage CPT

    Physiological aging process resulted in gradual losing of dermal collagen and connective tissue, leading to wrinkle formation and skin sagginess. Thermage CPT is a safe, FDA approved, non-invasive, mono-polar radiofrequency (RF) procedure that is clinically proven to help smooth and improve skin for an overall younger looking appearance. The treatment delivers electric current which penetrates down the skin and converts into heat energy to initiate dermal collagen remodeling and hence induction of new healthy collagen production, and at the same time, the heat energy can also tighten fine fibrous septum intersecting in dermal layer and result strengthen the anchoring effect. However, those are pregnant, had mental implants, wearing pacemaker or other implanted electronic devices are not suitable for Thermage treatment.

    Clinically proven effective treatment area:

    Peri-orbital area: Sagging upper and lower eyelid area, reduce peri-orbital fine lines, improve drooping eyelid and eyebrow.

    Face: Treating lower face aging signs such as sagging jowl area, improve deepening nasolabial folds.

    Body: Loosening skin under arm, abdomen (after losing weight or post-delivery), wrinkling skin around thighs, buttocks or above knee area.

    Thermage can be used to treat skin colour of any type, however the treatment result may be subjected to individual response, lifestyle, age and condition at presentation, and the duration of result may be varied as well.

    Time required for Thermage treatment varies according to treatment areas, numbing cream will be applied for an hour on treatment area. There will be heat feeling during treatment and the skin will be protected from the heat by cryo-cooling of the machine.