Scalp Psoriasis

Scalp Psoriasis is a hereditary chronic inflammatory papulo-squamous skin disease. It can be seen at scalp where there is well demarcated reddish scaling lesions, when the thick surface scaling being forcefully removed, the underlying skin will have mild bleeding. Itchiness can be of different intensity. Most of the time, it started insidiously at one spot of the scalp and can slowly progress to extend beyond the hairline area, the thick scaling may be peeled off together with hair shaft, resulting extremely thinning out over the affected area.


  • Intralesional Steriod Injection

    Intralesional Steriod Injection

    Corticosteriod is a good anti-inflammatory medication which has been used widely for many dermatological conditions. Intralesional steroid refers to directly introducing the medicine to dermal layer. The concentration used will be subjected to the area being injected, severity of the condition. Each injection will be at least 1-2 months apart. It has been used clinically in alopecia areata, hypertrophic scar, acne and granuloma.

  • Medicated Scalp Solution

    Medicated Scalp Solution